tisdag 18 maj 2010

Counting Calories

Yesterday I started to count my calories. There's a swedish website where you can add your profile and add what you eat from a data base. You can also add your own products. You can also keep track of your exercise etc. I bet there are thousands of website like this out there but I think this is the biggest swedish one.

The reason I started with this yesterday is due to the fact that I didn't lose any weight last week and I was wondering if I might be eating more than what I think. I entered every single thing I ate yesterday and came up with this:

  • Daily intake: 1406 calories.

  • Daily exercise: 646 calories.

Do you think this is too much, too little?

4 kommentarer:

  1. Are you eating your exercise calories? When I first started all this weight loss stuff, I wasn't eating enough food and ended up gaining weight..for three months straight. A trip to the nutritionist sorted that out. Turns out, if you eat too much or too little, you gain weight. Who would have thought?

    Thanks for the tip on Nordic walking, by the way. I'm going to try it in the future. You rock!

  2. No I'm not eating my exercise calories, maybe that's what I'm doing wrong? Hmm, so if I exercise for like 1000 calories I could eat 1000 cal more that day? Sounds scary gaining weight for three months straight because you eat too litle :(

    Yes do try nordic walking, I don't understand how it can be that much fun but it is :)

  3. I would eat a little bit more like 400 calories a day making your total like 1800-1900 for a week with the same exercise and see how that works... I have had to change my intake to fool my body on occasion. Adding some reasonable calories worked for me.

  4. I'll try that. I had some fruit this evening bringing me up to about 1700-1800 today.
